Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Star Wars: 3D Style

        I do like the idea of Star Wars in 3D. I believe that George Lucas has the resources to re-release the movies well and I have faith in him to do so. Not to mention, this gives him a perfect opportunity to right some of his wrongs. Namely I am speaking of the "Who Shoots First" dilemma. It's quite simple and I don't see a reason for George Lucas to have changed anything in the first place. For those of you who don't know, I am talking about the scene of A New Hope, where Han Solo is confronted by Greedo in the Mos Eisley Cantina. In this scene, in the original release of the movies, Han Solo shoots Greedo before Greedo has a chance to react. However, in the Special Edition release of the the movies, George Lucas changed the scene to have Greedo shoot first, miss and then have Han Solo shoot him. While not a major part of the movie, it sets the character of Han Solo as a sly, smooth scoundrel who doesn't let anyone get the best of him. Changing this by making him not shoot first takes away at his character.
       Another thing that George Lucas has the opportunity to change would be the existence of the blight upon Star Wars that is known as Jar Jar Binks. Generally accepted as the worst character in the entire universe, (including books, television shows, comics and any other medium) I believe that everyone can agree that he needs to go. Jar Jar Binks is a giant zit on the face of Star Wars and no one but the youngest or the most ignorant of viewers would actually enjoy any type of comedy that he tries to bring.    
      So, yes I am quite excited to to see the movies once again. Even if George Lucas does not change those simple facts, I will be going to see them, and I am particularly excited to see the original trilogy in theaters for the first time.  

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